Listener: I was awakened early in the Third Watch when I heard the word Stewardship followed by Holy Spirit telling me: You must be a faithful steward of all the spiritual gifts that I give you. When I heard these words, I thought, “Surely coming to the Mountain is one of His greatest gifts.” Then I asked if this was His call to the Mountain today…or a word for me? The Holy Spirit did not give a direct answer at that time…but He continued to give additional instructions, concluding by reminding me You have dedicated your life to serve Me…Serve. When I call…Respond. Will you receive all that I have for you? And without hesitation I answered “Yes, Lord, if You will enable me to receive, I am willing to receive.” As I type these words this morning, I wonder, in retrospect, why I did not ask for an opportunity to pray about my answer, to consider what my saying “yes” might involve, to ask to be told or shown what I was agreeing to receive. But in spite of the somewhat intimidating revelations which followed my “yes” this morning, I know that I could never say “No” or “Let me think about it” or to question just what my saying “yes” might involve. This was my Lord, My Savior calling me…He had not said “no” to the cross…how could I ever say “no” to Him?….After giving me more of those intimidating revelations, Holy Spirit told me: Be a good steward of this gift. You were not drafted into this service, you volunteered when you asked to be used. I will use you. You may be wounded in this service; I will heal all of your wounds. Complete your assignment, your mission. Listener: I asked Holy Spirit if I was to share with you these details of His call and my responses, and He told me that since His message today is intended to inspire you to hear and to respond to His call to you, it would be beneficial for you hear some of what transpired this morning. Actually His call to me today was simply a new and deeper aspect of His call issued and answered years ago…Romans 8:14…the call to become huios…one led by the Spirit of God to become a mature son of God. I believe that at least a part of the reason for my testimony today was to direct you to that Scripture…to that call. Holy Spirit: And now for your Daily Bread...After I issue your call and you receive it, I will not only enable you to fulfill it, I also make it clear what the call entails..What you are to do, When you are to do it, and How you are to do it. Listener, I heard you wonder if I would add Why you are to do it. I will answer the Why with three of your favorite words...Trust and Obey. Some of you who read this have heard, received and are answering My call. Some have heard but have not received, have not answered, are hesitating…believing the lies of the enemy that this is not truly a call..or that you are not capable of answering the call. Be assured, no one to whom this call is issued is capable of answering or fulfilling it in his own strength, knowledge or ability, but remember…those whom I call, I also enable. Sometimes I issue this call to one who is not accustomed to hearing My Voice. When that person receives my call with a willing and obedient heart, I will not only enable him to answer, I will also grant him ears to hear My Voice. I Am calling those who read this, and I know who you are. I know that you are already Believers, this is not the call to salvation…You have already answered that. I am calling you as I called the Listener years ago, with Romans 8:14. I paused after these words and the Listener wondered if this was all that I had for you today. My answer is that what I have given you should be sufficient …enough for one day…and for all the days to come. Once this call is issued and answered, you have committed your life to Me, and I will lead you into deeper and deeper yielding. Rejoice when you hear My call…I call you into a glorious relationship with Me…in all aspects of Who I AM..God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Receive your call and be blessed beyond all that you could ever imagine, but beware of a trap into which some of My faithful followers have fallen, those who answered the call but later allowed their answer, their gifts to become dormant, inactive as they drifted back into the world for a season. The time is short now. I am calling you to service which is needed Now. Yesterday I told you that I am recruiting an Army…you are part of that Army. William Booth, bless his heart, caught the vision that I gave him for his time…Now you must catch the vision that I am giving you for these end times.