Holy Spirit: It is very dangerous to sit on the fence between two opposing armies engaging in battle. You will almost certainly be wounded or killed. If you have not already made a decision to fight with those led by the Lord of Hosts, if I am drawing you, urging you to make a commitment to accept His offer of eternal life, do not delay. You may die there in the middle ground, and then the choice is no longer available. For those whose decision was made simply to obtain “fire insurance,” be very sure that the policy is valid…that your “insurance policy” was not obtained from an enemy agent who deceived you into thinking that an insincere prayer and words professing faith to which you were not and are not now committed would bring you into a covenant relationship with Almighty God. If this is the case, if you have not yet responded to My drawing because you thought you already had a guarantee of eternal life, be aware that the best course is to do what Joshua advised the children of Israel just before his death. Joshua 24:15 Choose you this day whom ye will serve. If you have already made that commitment, do not allow satan to torment you with doubt. I do not place a drawing on a life already committed to Jesus. For those who are already true Believers, I issue a call to service. Most of you who come for Daily Bread are thinking that this message does not apply to you, but during the battle in which you are engaged, you may, you will encounter a weaker Brother or one who is not yet a Brother who does need this message. Keep it in your first-aid kit so that you can speak words of commitment, comfort and reassurance— commitment if he is not yet saved; comfort and reassurance if he is saved but is doubting that salvation. Remind the one in need of reassurance of the moment when he accepted Jesus as Savior, when he was born again and I came to live within him, when he became My Temple. If he has difficulty remembering, tell him to ask Me…I have the video. I have been with everyone who has ever been saved…and at the moment of salvation, when the decision was made, I entered in to live forever. Let that memory inspire a deeper commitment to follow where I lead. For those who are battle-scarred after years of total commitment, let the realization that you have been able to offer help and hope to a weaker or injured Brother renew your strength and inspire you to be faithful to pray for them. And finally, for those babes in Christ whom you encounter, those who are not engaged in the battle, who do not even know that there is a battle, who have grown older physically but have never grown spiritually…your baby Brothers who have lived for years in perpetual spiritual infancy, this may be your calling…to reach and to teach those who have entered but never advanced beyond the doorway of Salvation to enter into the spiritual riches and joy that Jesus purchased when He died for them. So, faithful Believers who fight the good fight against the forces of evil, remember to stop to render aid to those who need your help….so that you leave no Brother alone on the battlefield.