Holy Spirit: Many who do not have ears to hear choose not to hear. They do not want to hear My voice because they desire to continue to walk in darkness. The darkness has great appeal to them. Even some of My children make that choice and have been led astray, others have simply wandered into areas where the spiritual acoustics are designed to allow only the voices which lead to death and destruction to penetrate. Once one of my children listens to those voices and follows the instructions, indulges in the enticements offered, it is very difficult for them to return to My ways. Pray that You may not fall into this cleverly designed trap. Pray for other Believers as well as unbelievers who have already been deceived by these other voices, and I say again, pray that you may not be deceived also. The temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil are disguised as pleasures. Walk carefully, and remember that I will always hear you if you call to Me to help you. If you have lost your way and want to return to My ways, the choice is yours. I will hear your call for help to return to Me whether you have taken a few or many steps on the path which leads to destruction.