Listener: This morning the interference of the enemy was great and much more effective than it has been since I began to go to the Mountain for Daily Bread. I was awakened near the end of a dream in which Holy Spirit was reminding me of the many different ways that He has spoken to me recently. But once I was awake and at the Mountain, I heard no words from Him. Then sleep began to overtake me, and I had another dream, or perhaps a vision, in which I was beginning to doubt, in the face of so much opposition, that God had really been speaking to me in the first dream. And then, and then…Praise the Lord, I heard Him speak. With authority and quiet firmness, and in a voice that I recognized immediately, Holy Spirit began to gently reassure me that He had indeed spoken to me in the first dream…to remind me of the ways that He has spoken to me recently to reassure me and to confirm, for the third time, that He is leading me to present a series of lessons on the consecration of the body of Christ to receive a new anointing. He also told me that the trusted resource that I prayed for is the source that He provided to lead me to this teaching. When I heard these words I rejoiced that I had been blessed by His Voice, but then I began to think that, while this was a wonderful word for the Bible Study class, I also needed a message for Daily Bread today. His response was Your experience of My leading you in different ways provides a good example to those who are also receiving guidance to do something for Me. This word from Me today may be the confirmation that someone has been seeking. Listener: He also told me to share with the class how He led me to the teaching which we are about to begin. As I was leaving the mountain, one last fiery dart of doubt penetrated, and I wondered if this “different” message was truly what I was to post in Daily Bread today. Then, remembering that my internet was down last night, I thought that I might not even be able to make a post this morning. The Holy Spirit did not respond to this unworthy thought or confirm the teaching for the fourth time and this post for the second time. I am grateful that the One who leads me has not lost patience with my need for so much reassurance and confirmation. As for the Holy Spirit’s response to my last indirect effort to avoid complete acknowledgement of His leading on the lessons….my internet connection has obviously been restored.