Holy Spirit: When you pray for others, when you truly intercede, you take their sins upon yourself. Not the guilt for those sins; Jesus already did that. He paid for their guilt on the cross, but in intercession you take on the pain of the results of their sins, the consequences. Not the consequences of eternal damnation but the consequences which they experience in this life. It is for these consequences that you intercede, asking Me to deliver them. I hear your prayers of intercession, but I cannot always grant them. Sometimes the consequences must be experienced by those for whom you pray so that they may learn, and having learned, draw nearer to Me. This is when you are praying for a Believer. When you pray for an unbeliever, there is only one prayer… for salvation. If the unbeliever comes to Me for forgiveness, your prayers for his earthly problems may also be answered, but his salvation is of such paramount importance that it takes precedence over every other prayer. Listener: At this point, although I did not speak, The Holy Spirit knew that I was thinking that this was wonderful insight for intercessors, but that those Believers who do not hear also needed a message today, and He answered my unspoken thought. All Believers intercede, those who hear as well as those who do not hear. All pray for others and wonder why they do not see answers to their prayers. So this is a message for all Believers, for those who are still babes in Christ and for My mature sons, some of whom sometimes lean a bit unto “their own understanding,” thinking that they know more than I have yet revealed to them. My message is for instruction, for comfort and to help you to understand why you do not see your prayers for unbelievers answered. As for your prayers for other Believers and for yourself, those prayers are answered on the basis of what is best for you and those for whom you pray. I told you this in Jeremiah 29:11-12. If you can ever begin to understand My Love for you, you will know that I always answer prayers on the basis of ultimate blessing, not temporary pleasure. Shalom.