Listener: The first words on the Mountain this morning were spoken to the Listener, but I believe that you will be touched and encouraged if I share these words to show you that the Holy Spirit is so concerned about the messages He gives for you that He takes great care in preparing the one who delivers those messages. He said to the Listener: This morning I want you to feel the Love that I have for those to whom you write. The words to express that love and compassion will come from Me but will flow more easily through you if you also experience My Love. Now, write My words for those who have come for Daily Bread: Have you ever realized that the entire Bible , all of Scripture… is the story of My Loving and offering that Love, My Perfect Love, to man…and man’s rejection of that Love? Adam and Eve began by rejecting My Love in a perfect world. Again and again, man has rejected My Love, even when I sent My Son. And today, even those who have accepted the salvation offered by My Son, the Believers whom I indwell to help remain faithful to that Love, even these Believers quench and grieve Me. And still I Love you. If My Love were not eternal, so indescribably deep, so infinite, it could not have endured. My love for My children will never fail! I know that you cannot understand how this can be, but I tell you that it is true. I will always provide for My children. This world is becoming increasingly enveloped in darkness. You are the children of LIGHT. You must shine ever brightly as evidence of My Love to those who walk in darkness. And, when the time comes, I will remove you from the darkness to live forever in the glorious Light of My Love.