John 1:28 Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
Revelation 5:5 Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll
Pray for the children in this country, for this generation which is threatened before birth by abortion and later, at school age, by an educational system in which efforts to include CRT and transgender teachings are growing stronger as are efforts to deny parents a voice regarding what their children are taught. Pray for churches to recognize that it is vitally important to provide Children’s Ministries where the Word of God is taught and the Love of God is demonstrated.
Continue to pray for the construction of the wall along the border between Texas and Mexico and that it will be effective in helping to reduce the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States.
The Prayer Alert issued earlier by Holy Spirit also continues. Because there are many urgent prayer needs for this country right now, He has issued the following directive: Intercessors, seek to be quiet before Me, to come into My Presence so that I can assign to each one specific areas of intercession for your country. The NEED is not only great, it is urgent. HEAR My Voice. HEED My Words. And when you have heard, Speak My Words in prayer.
Continue to intercede for the Body of Christ in Ukraine and all of their brave fellow citizens who are fighting for their lives and their freedom against what seem to be overwhelming odds. Pray that this conflict will not escalate and that reason may prevail in a situation where there seems to be no reason.
A WORD ABOUT DAILY BREAD, examples of which are posted below along with current posts. From September 2019 to May 2020 the original Window into Heaven was used to teach and to inspire a small congregation. The focus was on hearing the Voice of the Holy Spirit, Who provided almost two hundred daily posts. These posts are now accessible on the Daily Bread page in grid format in order of date posted as well as in fifteen categories. Many of the posts are assigned to multiple categories. READ AND BE BLESSED.
The Listener speaks: A few days ago Holy Spirit gave me a revelation so deep that I did not expect Him to release it to be posted. However, now He has told me that it is time for Believers to begin to experience the awesomely intimate relationship desired by the Almighty God who created us and whom we worship. Speaking with great tenderness Holy Spirit explained that when we enter His Presence we are blessed to hear His Voice as He speaks to us with words of familiar intimacy, expressing His Love, giving us revelation and instruction, but we do ...