Listener: Yesterday I told you how moved I was when Holy Spirit told me, You are My Speck. This morning He told me to be certain that you understand that what He says to the Listener is meant for all of you. We are all God’s specks! His words were, All Believers are My children, and I want all of you to know how precious you are to Me. Did I not tell you that all the hairs of your head are numbered? (Luke 12:7) Did I not tell you that even a sparrow does not fall without My knowing? (Matthew 10:29) I once told the Listener that anyone to whom I gave full revelation could not bear it but would disintegrate! But do accept this revelation: I love you, and I care about every aspect of your life. You are MY child and I AM your God. When you hear Me and follow Me, when you are led by Me, as My Word tells you in Romans 8:14, you will become the sons of God. The Greek word used for “sons” in that verse has a connotation of mature sons. Follow Me, and those of you who are hungry will be fed the Bread of Life; those who thirst will drink of the Living Water.