Listener: There was fog on the mountain this morning. I had difficulty getting to the top. As I struggled in the fog I received a vision. In the vision I was writing a question which had been given to me to ask those of you who are reading this…but I do not know what the question was. Apparently I knew at the time, because I said, “Oh Lord, please let this not be the word that I am to give this morning.” Then the Holy Spirit told me that this was a question to be asked in the future. I was not told how far into the future this is to be, but He said that when He tells me to ask it, there will be many, many who will answer. We are to pray for that day … when God’s people will be so hungry, so desperate that they will seek every means available to hear His voice. Or perhaps the question will ask for a response from those who are not yet saved. The Holy Spirit did not choose to reveal the question to me, only the magnitude of the response. I asked, “Is this given to encourage us? To inspire us to pray? To warn us?” But He did not choose to reveal His purpose in giving me this unusual message. He knows, and when we need to know, He will tell us. I asked for clarification again as I took communion…between the bread and the wine. His answer was It may be later than you think. In the 9/11 Daily Bread post He told us, The time is short. This is the second time within a week that He has given us essentially the same message. When God tells us something once, we are to listen. When He tells us something twice, we are not only to listen, we are to ask for instructions and obey them. If He tells us something a third time, we must fall on our faces before HIM and ask for mercy.