Psalm 119:105 Holy Spirit: The Word of God is truly a Lamp unto your feet and a Light unto your path. With the Light I will dispel the darkness of your daily walk and reveal the path that I would have you take. With the Lamp I will show you the obstacles which might cause you to stumble. The Light and the Lamp emanate from My Presence. I will send angels to watch over you. I will speak to you, and in time you will be able to hear My Voice. I have instructed the Listener to seek you out through these messages to encourage you, to comfort you, to bring you into the Light of My Presence so that you may experience the Joy and the Love that I have for you. I know that you have little time to spend seeking Me now, but I will give you such a hunger for what I have for you that you will find a way to come to My Table. As the world grows darker and darker, you will seek My Light more and more.